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Eczema relief: Using acupressure to help your child relax

We all know the benefits of a good bedtime routine. For a child with eczema a structured approach to getting ready to sleep is particularly important.
It is never easy for kids or adults to sleep well with the incessant eczema itch. While your child’s current routine may consist of soothing baths, moisturising emollients and calming stories, you may like to consider some simple acupressure to alleviate eczema symptoms and to help your child to wind down.
Before trying acupressure at home, it’s advisable to speak to a qualified acupressure therapist who can give you tips on treatments and show you the correct approach. In this article, Emma Guy of Acupuncture that Works, explains which acupressure points to use and offers advice on how to get started.

Can acupressure help alleviate the symptoms of eczema?

There are various studies that have shown that acupressure can help to decrease the dreaded eczema itch. Though it doesn’t work for everyone, the relaxation benefits of acupressure are widely accepted.

Relaxation is an important element in the management of eczema and one of the most significant issues impacting quality sleep is stress. Stress is both a common trigger for eczema as well as hampering a quality night’s rest.

As lack of sleep makes us more vulnerable to infection as well as more sensitive to pain, it is vital for children with eczema to get enough good quality slumber.

What is acupressure?

Acupressure should not be confused with acupuncture as no needles are involved. It’s a gentle and appropriate for treatment of young children and even babies. The careful pressing motion on specific points of the body is much like a massage. Even if eczema symptoms aren’t reduced with acupressure, the chances are that it will help your child sleep. Even now they are older, our kids still ask us to massage the Yin Tang point when they struggle to sleep.

Acupressure points for eczema

Bai Chong Wo

The Bai Chong Wo point is just above the kneecap. With your child lying down, you should rub this point in circular motions for around 30 seconds. Then repeat on the other leg. This acupressure point should alleviate the itching sensation of eczema. Bai Chong Wo translates as ‘Hundred insect burrow’ which we think a great description of the eczema itch.

Diagram showing location of Bai Chong Wo pressure point just above the kneecap.

Yin Tang

If you want to promote sleep, then the Yin Tang point is located between the eyes. This acupressure point is said to alleviate discomfort and pain. It is also known as the sleep-inducing point, and many parents say it helps when their babies are inconsolable. This point is located just above the eyebrows in the centre of the face. You can find many videos available to help you determine this spot and how to massage it effectively.

Diarams showing the Yin Tang acupressure point in the centre of the forehead.

Lao Gong

This point is on the hands and you can find it if you bend your second finger (longest finger) into the centre of your palm. Once you’ve identified that point, using a gentle circular motion, gently rub that area to soothe your child and help aid sleep and reduce restlessness.

Diagram showing the location of the Lao Gong acupressure point in the centre of the hand


This point is right on the end of the fourth toe (the one before your little toe). Again gently rub this area in a circular motion and it can help with pain, calm the mind and prevent dream disturbed sleep.

Diagram showing the location of the Zuqiooyin acupressure point on the tip of the fourth toe

Written in conjunction with the lovely Emma Guy from Acupuncture That Works.

Here at ScratchSleeves, we don’t just share our experiences of bringing up an eczema child and favourite allergy-friendly recipes, we also manufacture and sell our unique stay-on scratch mitts and PJs for itchy babies, toddlers and children. We now stock sizes from 0-adult years in a range of colours. Visit our webshop for more information.

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Issue d'une famille de personnes souffrant d'eczéma, Jae s'appuie sur des années d'expérience pratique et directe de la vie avec l'eczéma.

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