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The Scratch Mitts
that actually work!

Watching a young child, toddler or baby with eczema, psoriasis or any itchy skin rash is heart-breaking. Suffering a sleepless night thanks to baby eczema and then finding abandoned scratch mitts where your little one wriggled out of them frustrates even the most experienced parents. There is a solution!

Baby safe and toddler proof, ScratchSleeves puts an end to your suffering!

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Toddler boy wearing blue and white ScratchSleeves scratch mittens, annotated to show how they work to reduce eczema scratching
Tout-petit garçon portant des mitaines anti-rayures ScratchSleeves bleues et blanches, annotées pour montrer comment elles agissent pour réduire les rayures causées par l'eczéma
Kleinkind mit blauen und weißen ScratchSleeves-Kratzhandschuhen, mit Anmerkungen versehen, um zu zeigen, wie sie das Kratzen bei Ekzemen reduzieren
Peuterjongen met blauwe en witte ScratchSleeves-krawanten, geannoteerd om te laten zien hoe ze werken om krabben door eczeem te verminderen
Mały chłopiec ubrany w niebiesko-białe rękawiczki do drapania ScratchSleeves, z adnotacją pokazującą, jak działają w ograniczaniu drapania przy egzemie

No quibbles guarantee

All purchases of ScratchSleeves scratch mittens and PJs covered by our ‘No quibble’ guarantee.

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