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The Calm Skin Guide

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If you suffer from dry skin, it’s likely that cold, winter weather will wreak havoc with your lips. This means...
Not so long ago, the received wisdom was that atopic dermatitis (also known as infant or childhood eczema) was a...
Eczema is one of those conditions that waxes and wanes throughout life. For many women, changes in hormones can trigger...
Melatonin is know to aid sleep, so it’s no surprise that there has been research into its effectiveness in helping...
Eczema prone skin can be sensitive to irritants, bacteria, and allergens. It is also typically dry and uneven making it...
Between shaving, waxing, sugaring, threading, tweezing, creams and laser hair removal, it seems like the methods for removing unwanted body...
Our hands come into contact with many different materials and substances every day, so unsurprisingly, they’re one of the most...
We all know that regular exercise is essential for cardiovascular health as well as supporting mental wellbeing. But did you...
Eczema is an uncomfortable condition, no matter where it appears on the body. However, if you develop eczema on your face...
Stress can wreak havoc on the body. Common symptoms include sleep problems, fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, and chest pains. But have you...
Although eczema is more common in babies and children, it also occurs in adults. Some people won’t grow out of...
Coming up with interesting and thoughtful gifts can be tricky. If the person you’re gifting to has a skin condition...
Looking for a gift for a little one with eczema? Our eczema gift guide has plenty of great ideas to...
Love it or loathe it, trick or treating has made its way over the Atlantic from the US and is...
If your child suffers with eczema, the chances are that you will have seen an improvement in their skin over...
Like most parents new to baby eczema, we turned to the internet to find out more about out son’s condition....
Food allergies and dietary eczema triggers may be diagnosed with a trial elimination diet. This is where the suspected food...
Breastfeeding can be an emotive subject, especially if your little one is unlucky enough to suffer from baby eczema. One...
If you are in the UK and your child has eczema, it is likely that this was diagnosed by your...
Finding the trigger for their child’s eczema so that it can be avoided is the holy grail for eczema parents....
Whether you are returning to work after maternity leave or you have other commitments requiring your attention – sending your...
As long as there is habitual scratching of eczema patches, skin never gets the chance to heal fully. This means...
Hypnotherapy aims to modify unconscious thoughts and behaviours. Given that a good portion of eczema scratching can be habitual, hypnotherapy...
Of all the alternative eczema remedies, homoeopathy is one of the most with regard to effectiveness. We look at the...
Essential oils have been used in the treatment of eczema for hundreds of years. However, there is not a great...
Chinese herbal medicine is just ‘medicine’ in large parts of the world. It is commonly used alongside conventional, Western medicine...
Keeping emollients on a wriggly little one for long enough to be absorbed can be challenging. Most eczema parents have...
When I was a child dairy-free Easter Eggs just weren’t available. One memorable year, my brilliant mum made me an...
Leaky gut syndrome is one of those conditions that is often suggested as a possible cause for eczema. But what...
There is growing evidence that early-onset eczema can be a forerunner to food allergies. For example, a study of over...
If you have a child with eczema you will likely know all about the atopic triad – this describes the...
If you have a child with eczema you already know that there are likely to be other side effects, like...
While bleach bathes can sound a bit drastic to the new eczema parent, they are actually not that different from...
Have large areas of your child’s skin suddenly erupted into a red, itchy rash? This is likely to be an...
This lentil recipe, sweetened with apple, is delicious served with chicken. We recommend the red cabbage and apples are cooked...
This banana bread has no eggs and contains a flavourless oil in place of butter and is beautifully moist. It...
This is a delicious, eczema friendly smoothie with plenty of flavour if you use ripe bananas and papaya. Leaving the...
This eczema friendly dessert is simple to make and has a delicious oaty crumble topping. Carob nibs are a healthy...
As children we are all told to eat our vegetables and to have lots of colour on our plates (not...
Vitamins and trace minerals are micronutrients that are essential for the body’s growth and development. They play critical roles in...
In this article we look at the importance of omega-3 oils in the diet of eczema sufferers and unpick its...
We’ve used chickpea flour to coat these little salmon bites which gives them a lovely crisp outside. You can buy...
In this article, we look at the role the liver plays in eczema, as well as how to ensure that...
Whilst the link between eczema and allergies to specific foods like milks, eggs and nuts are well understood, research suggests...
These little pancakes are super easy to make and taste delicious. Your littles ones will enjoy helping to make these...
Having a child with eczema lays another layer of complexity over parenthood. It can affect everything from whether one parent...
Our skin is the barrier between our bodies and the outside world. If the skin barrier is compromised by eczema,...
The skin is in direct contact with both clothing and the inevitable detergent residues that it is holding. Making sure...
Ask any eczema parent which part of their child’s eczema they find hardest to deal with and the answer will...
One of the first pieces of advice that any eczema parent hears is that they should identify any triggers for...
There’s no getting away from the fact that having a child with eczema is likely to impact the entire family....
Here at ScratchSleeves we love collaborating to bring you the experience and expertise of professionals and parents. This time we...
Here at ScratchSleeves, we love collaborating to bring you the experience and expertise of professionals and parents. This time we...
Here at ScratchSleeves we love collaborating to bring you the experience and expertise of professionals and parents. This time we...
Here at ScratchSleeves we love collaborating on blog posts to bring you the experience and expertise of professionals and parents....
Here at ScratchSleeves we love collaborating to bring you the experience and expertise of professionals and parents. This time we...
It's rare for children to end up in hospital with eczema, but if your little one is admitted, this post...
The colder winter weather can aggravate eczema, and with the need to layer up the clothes, you may find you’re...
Winter is with us once again and while the children look forward to Christmas and snow. We parents need to...
The current cold snap may be a great excuse to light the fire and cosy. However, it’s not without its...
Commonly, baby eczema flares up in winter. The cold weather and dark evenings mean that babies spend more time inside where the...
As the weather starts to get colder and we start heading indoors for the coming winter, many eczema sufferers find...
The link between eczema, allergies (especially allergic rhinitis, or hay fever) and asthma has long been recognised by parents and...
Over the years we’ve learned that a successful family holiday all boils down to planning and preparation.  It’s hard work...
Summer: the time when all kids (not just the itchy ones) get covered from top to toe in white gloop!...
Summer has arrived and we’re not complaining! However, the long hours of sunlight and the hot summer nights can make...
While hot summer weather is lovely and a welcome change to the damp British weather, keeping an eczema baby comfortable...
By now you’re probably only too aware that having a baby with eczema means everything is a little more complicated. ...
We know from experience that watching your child suffer the constant itch and irritation of baby eczema is frustrating. It...
These cuties will become a firm favourite of the little ones and the grown-ups in the family. Made in bun...
The myriad of baby wipe brands now available makes it hard for parents to choose the right product for their...
Spring is finally on its way, with lighter nights and warmer days. It’s definitely a feel-good time of year –...
Swaddling is a great way to stop babies scratching the eczema on their face. If only you can stop them...
Toddlers are amazing little people full of a wonderful enthusiasm, energy and innocence. But they lack common sense and live...
Taking a family holiday with a child who suffers from eczema can add a further layer of complication to your...
Coconut oil has been used for thousands of years and for many different ailments: from mouthwash to moisturiser! Recent research...
Laundry detergents are one of the most commonly cited triggers for eczema. But why do some detergents cause a problem...
  There’s good scientific evidence that children who live in hard water areas are 54 per cent more likely to...
Looking at the conversations on parenting forums, it’s clear that many parents have concerns over using prescribed hydrocortisone cream and...
As the parent of an eczema child you know that all sorts of things can trigger a flare up. Toiletries,...
What can you do for your itchy little one when it comes to dressing them? Scratchy, tight or overly warm...
What can you do for your itchy little one when it comes to dressing them? You’ll be surprised at what...
Honey is well-known as a treatment for sore throats, wounds and infections, due to compounds it contains that kill bacteria....
Eczema is one of those horrible conditions where there is no single treatment that works for everybody.  Annoying as it...
Every parent knows the heartache of watching their child struggle with rejection. It’s part of growing up and being human,...
If you have just been told by your doctor or health care provider that your little one has eczema, the...
When your baby has eczema, it can be an exhausting and frustrating task to find products that don’t irritate their...
When your children are constantly itching because of eczema, you’ll very quickly become an expert on all the various products...
Unfortunately, eczema is a condition where there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. This makes it particularly frustrating to parents...
After months of battling the healthcare system, at last, you’ve got a dermatology appointment to see a consultant about your...
Bathtime should be a relaxing and fun time when babies can bask in Mum and Dad’s undivided attention before bedtime....
Eczema is often called “the itch that rashes”. The eczema itch is certainly feels more uncomfortable and distressing than the...
When your baby begins to itch and scratch, we know from experience it can be distressing. For parents with itchy...
There’s more information about baby eczema available on the web than anyone can hope to read in a lifetime so...
Eczema is really itchy and almost impossible not to scratch. Every parent whose child suffers from eczema knows how distressing...
One of the questions often asked by our customers is “will wearing ScratchSleeves affect my child’s ability to play?”. The...
Ice cream is the ultimate summer treat for kids and grown-ups alike. Just because your child bears the brunt of...
Feel like the only person awake at 2 am, 4 am and then again at 5 am with a scratchy,...
You’ve just been told that your little one is allergic to eggs. First there’s the relief that there is definitely...
Eating is a vital part of children’s growth and development and ensuring the correct consumption of nutrients is essential. Unfortunately,...
Teething is a well known anecdotal trigger for flare-ups in pre-existing baby eczema. It’s not clear if the trigger for...
Sensitive, eczema prone skin often doesn’t take kindly to regular hand washing and sanitizing. Both hand soap and alcohol, the...
Soya milk has a nasty habit of making Yorkshire Pudding batters too heavy to rise – but this foolproof recipe,...
When thinking about how best to help your child to manage their eczema, there are two sides to the story.  First, there...
Birthday cakes are one of those important milestones that no child (or adult) should have to miss out on –...
Long car journeys with babies and young children fill most parents with dread: the boredom, the kicking at the backs...