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Family Life

How childhood eczema impacts the whole family (and how to minimise its impact)

There’s no getting away from the fact that having a child with eczema is likely to impact the entire family. From broken nights, to time spent applying eczema creams and attending medical appointments, managing eczema is time consuming, exhausting and stressful. We look at the impacts and how to minimise the impact of childhood eczema and keep the fun of family life.

How childhood eczema impacts the whole family (and how to minimise its impact) Read More »

Coping with eczema – The importance of building resilience

When thinking about how best to help your child to manage their eczema, there are two sides to the story.  First, there are the physical symptoms. The itchy, red, raw skin and the challenge you have in preventing and managing flare-ups.  Secondly, there are the emotional symptoms. In particular, the feelings of self-consciousness about looking different, which usually

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Top tips for car journeys with eczema kids (and babies)

Long car journeys with babies and young children fill most parents with dread: the boredom, the kicking at the backs of the seats, the bickering, the mess when you arrive… We know from experience that the thought of a long car journey with an eczema child can be terrifying – all that time with nothing better to do than scratching! The vast majority of advice available suggests avoiding long car journeys with an eczema child – but there are times when that just isn’t an option. And for some parents even short car journeys are difficult. The ScratchSleeves team have put their heads together and come up with their top tips for comfortable car journeys with eczema children.

Top tips for car journeys with eczema kids (and babies) Read More »

Postnatal Depression in mums AND dads – How to spot it and what to do

What is Postnatal depression? Postnatal depression (also referred to as postpartum depression or PND) is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as Depression suffered by a mother following childbirth, typically arising from the combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to motherhood, and fatigue. To put it bluntly, your body, mindset and entire world have just changed dramatically.

Postnatal Depression in mums AND dads – How to spot it and what to do Read More »

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