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Eczema 101

Using bandages for eczema: Wet wrapping, dry wrapping and medicated bandages

Keeping emollients on a wriggly little one for long enough to be absorbed can be challenging. Most eczema parents have resigned themselves to finding emollient smears round their homes. Some children just can’t stay still for long and their emollient is brushed off as they race around the house. Others really don’t like the claggy

Using bandages for eczema: Wet wrapping, dry wrapping and medicated bandages Read More »

Identifying eczema triggers: How to be an eczema detective

One of the first pieces of advice that any eczema parent hears is that they should identify any triggers for their little one’s eczema. But it doesn’t take long to realise that there are hundreds of possible triggers. How on earth do you go about finding the needle in the haystack? We’ve put together this simple guide to being an eczema detective to help you get started.

Identifying eczema triggers: How to be an eczema detective Read More »

The Atopic March: is your child’s eczema a prelude to allergies and maybe even asthma?

The link between eczema, allergies (especially allergic rhinitis, or hay fever) and asthma has long been recognised by parents and medical professionals. The so-called ‘Atopic March’ or ‘Atopic Triad’ identifying the progression from itchy skin to further underlying conditions like asthma and hay fever. But what causes this progression? How do you know if your

The Atopic March: is your child’s eczema a prelude to allergies and maybe even asthma? Read More »

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