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Man rubs cream into the eczema on his hands

Hand eczema in adults

Our hands come into contact with many different materials and substances every day, so unsurprisingly, they’re one of the most common areas of the body where eczema develops, especially in adults. With so many joints and moving parts, the skin on our hands is particular vulnerable to cracking, making hand eczema particularly uncomfortable. And because we

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Afro-Caribbean man scratching the eczema on his face

Facial eczema in adults

Eczema is an uncomfortable condition, no matter where it appears on the body. However, if you develop eczema on your face as an adult, not only is it uncomfortable, but you may feel self-conscious about it too. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, with most people experiencing flare-ups, where symptoms worsen and then gradually improve

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Stressed young man sitting in front of laptop, holding his head

Eczema and stress in adults

Stress can wreak havoc on the body. Common symptoms include sleep problems, fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, and chest pains. But have you considered that stress could also be to blame for your eczema flare-ups? While stress doesn’t cause eczema, research shows that it can be significant trigger. In this article, we’ll explore the link between stress and

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Young African-American woman with itchy skin scratching her neck. Her expression show how itchy her eczema is.

Adult eczema: What is it and how does it differ from childhood eczema?

Although eczema is more common in babies and children, it also occurs in adults. Some people won’t grow out of their childhood eczema and others will develop eczema as adults, known as adult-onset eczema. We look at how patterns of eczema changes in adulthood, what treatments are available, and why avoiding eczema triggers is an

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